

Microsoft to bring in the Bash in windows 10

Yo guys,

Have you heard? yes yes it is legit. Microsoft is bringing the beloved bash to windows 10. This is something very interesting they announced recently and showed the damn awesome demo too. Microsoft has partnered with Canonical to bring in Ubuntu user mode and Linux tools straight to windows.
How is this possible? they must be using a VM. No. absolutely not. Microsoft isn't using any VM to make it happen. It is all natively supported in upcoming builds of windows 10. Actually Microsoft has created a subsystem for linux. Ubuntu will directly run on top of windows without any VM and using windows kernel. This means, one can easily use Bash in windows. Isn't it a great news?  you can directly use apt-get to find what you need from linux side and use directly on top of windows. Especially for devs this is something amazing to work with.
Microsoft is reaching out to Linux developers in a way that the company never has before. "The Bash shell is coming to Windows. Yes, the real Bash is coming to Windows," said Microsoft's Kevin Gallo on stage at today's Build 2016 keynote. The announcement received an uproarious applause from the crowd. The new functionality will be enabled as part of this summer's Anniversary Update to Windows 10.
"This is not a VM. This is not cross-compiled tools. This is native," he said. "We've partnered with Canonical to offer this great experience, which you'll be able to download right from the Windows Store." Third-party tools have enabled this sort of thing for years, but a direct partnership between Microsoft and Canonical should offer even more flexibility and convenience for developers who prefer using these binaries and tools.
(Source-The verge)

Well i will be waiting for this thing to test it out. What about you guys? experiment with it and tell your suggestions to microsoft in order to improve it. Keep visiting us for more interesting news. Till then, ciao.