

Apricity OS, a beautiful way to to enter Arch era

Last time we told you about Manjaro Linux, which is an Arch based linux distribution. Now the point is there is not only one fork but there are others too. Today we will discuss about another fork of Arch in this 12th segment of "Introduction with Linux Distro". The distribution we will see today is one of the most beautiful distributions in linux world and it is named Apricity OS.
Back in July 2015, Apricity OS had their first beta released. Today Apricity OS is as stable as it can be and it now receives rolling updates just like arch. Let's get to know few things about Apricity.

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  • Look and Feel : Apricity OS is beautiful without a doubt. It uses gnome and cinnamon as their default desktop environment. gnome version of Apricity is quite streamlined and minimal but it gives customization options and faster response in every manner. Cinnamon edition is not less beautiful, with all the icons and themes it makes quite a good desktop environment.
    Apricity OS 09.2016
    Apricity OS 09.2016 cinnamon edition

    Apricity OS 09.2016
    Apricity OS 09.2016 Gnome edition
  • Customization : Apricity offers lot of customization in both of their editions. There are icons, themes, applets and many more. You can even access online collection for themes, icons, applets and else.
    Apricity OS 09.2016
    Apricity OS 09.2016
    Click to enlarge
  • Applications : It is based on Arch so this point is not legit. Arch Linux has vast repository of applications and so do Apricity OS. Apricity OS inherits Arch repository and one can even access AUR repositories. Apricity OS includes software center to easily access wide variety of applications.
    Apricity OS 09.2016
  • Easy task handling : In Apricity OS it is very easy to get job done. All tasks are well categorized and easy to find. This reduces the clutter and user knows where to find the specific application he/she wants.
    Apricity OS 09.2016
  •  Strong base : As we mentioned earlier Apricity is based on Arch. We don't think people need explanation of 'The Arch Linux' but for people who don't know about Arch, It is one of the most famous and versatile distribution in Linux world. As it have Arch base it will also be subjected to Arch updates. Apricity seems to have some connections inside Arch. It also supports rolling release just like Arch. This gives an advantage as your applications and inside stuff will always be updated.
    Apricity OS 09.2016
 These were some basic highlights about Apricity OS, but this is not all. There is lot more in Apricity OS and we recommend you to find those interesting thing by yourself. There is no greater satisfaction than doing or finding things all by yourself. So, we gave you few reasons to try out Apricity OS. Give it a try and have fun with Linux.