

BlackArch 2017.01.28 released with new tools

If you are our daily reader then you must have seen, we are now covering BlackArch, a Arch Linux based distribution targeting a large number of professional Pen-Testers and Security Researchers.
BlackArch Linux
In the end of last year, BlackArch team is tremendously working to bring new tool set and updates to their distro.Like recently the release of BlackArch Linux 2016.12.29 and 2016.12.20 brought hundreds of new tools, new installer and updated list of packages and features.
Now BlackArch Linux version as 2017.01.28 is here.Let's see what's new in here.
What's New in BlackArch Linux 2017.01.28?
  • The first and very common thing with all new distro releases, it also got all the system packages updated and the tools underneath have been updated.
  • 20 new tools added.
  • In the last release of BlackArch Linux 2016.12.29, the installer was updated to 0.3.1, now in this release, the installer got a bug-fix update and got updated to 0.3.2 version.
  • Now on VMware support is provided, a big relief for many.
  • Now, this release is based on Linux 4.9.6.
  •  "fix f*cking ruby tools (wpscan, Metasploit, etc.)" as said in the announcement.I don't think necessity of any explanation.
Well, You can get this latest release and as it has Linux kernel-base on Linux 4.9.6, so benefits are a welcome addition to this release.