

Antergos Linux : The beauty built on Arch

Hi guys, welcome to the 16th segment of "Introduction with Linux Distro". Most of us know or heard about Arch Linux, which is one of the most widely used Linux distribution. For some reason, few users find it hard to install and use Arch. But in Linux world, there is almost always some alternative to your desired distribution. In today's segment, we will be introducing an Arch-based distribution which turned it completely on user-friendly side. So, let's get to know about Antergos Linux.
Antergos was first released by the name Cinnarch in 2012. At first, Cinnarch used Cinnamon as default desktop environment But then the team shifted to Gnome and also changed the name to Antergos. This distribution is based in Spain and based on Arch Linux. For this post, we used latest Antergos 17.2 with KDE plasma desktop.
  • The Beauty: Even though it is built on Arch Linux, Antergos is seriously beautiful. Antergos Linux not only uses Gnome as default desktop environment. but also it provides KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, MATE as alternatives to choose from. Antergos Linux has partenerd with Numix and provides some exclusive icons and themes created by Numix. Not to mention all those themes and icons are simply beautiful.
    Antergos 17.2
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    Antergos 17.2
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    Antergos also gives the option to customize themes and get new themes from the online repository. So you can enjoy a variety of themes and customization on your Antergos system.
    Antergos 17.2
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    Antergos 17.2
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  • The Performance: An Arch based distribution should be as epic as Arch itself, Antergos Linux completely justify this line. Antergos is stable, seriously stable. We have tested it for few days and it was just so fun. It is very well made and very responsive. Antergos 17.2 uses Linux kernel 4.9.8 and it works smoothly on it. We used KDE desktop and it was working smoothly without any lags.
    Antergos 17.2
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  • Package Management: As Antergos is based on Arch Linux, it uses Pacman as package management. One more thing about Antergos is it utilizes Arch repositories, Arch User Repositories (AUR) and its own repositories. So you will probably get the application you need from any of these 3 repositories. Antergos use text installer just like Arch do but it also provide graphical front-end for the process.
    Antergos 17.2
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  • Updates and Support: Antergos supports rolling release updates just like Arch. This gives the advantage of having updates as soon as they got released (but of course after stability tests). Antergos have a wonderful community. People are helpful and you most likely to get a solution for problems in user forums. Antergos also have multilingual support so you can experience it in your native language. 
  • Philosophy: Antergos team have one thing in mind, that is to provide a user-friendly and elegant looking operating system to people. From newbies to veterans, Antergos is made for everyone. 
Antergos is easy to install and operate, all thanks to the developer team who work hard behind the scenes. If you are new to Arch Linux, we recommend you to start your Arch journey with Antergos. This distribution has so much to offer in a user-friendly way. So, this is it for today's segment. We will be back with another interesting Linux distribution in next segment. Stay tuned with us and have fun with Linux.

Antergos Linux Official Site