
[Tutorial] Basic Linux Administration Part - 1

Hi guys, as we promised in the last announcement tutorials will make their way in like before. We are going to start a series of tutorials which will include different processes, how-to, tips for making it easy to learn about Linux. For the starters, we are going to start with basic Linux administration. This will help you to do many tasks on Linux in a simpler way. Also, it will be more helpful in learning the traditional way of using Linux.

In this tutorial, we will learn about some basic command lines which are helpful in day to day life.
  • mkdir : This command is used for making new directory or folder. To create a new folder all you need to do is open up your terminal and type in  mkdir <directory name>
    Ubuntu 17.10.2

    Ubuntu 17.10.2
In above screenshots, you can see using mkdir command we created a new folder.


Wavebox - All in one hub for Gmail, Outlook, Slack and more

Hey guys, ever wanted to use multiple cloud services at one place without going through login process and multiple browser windows every time? Well, there is an interesting software to handle this with ease and beautiful user interface. Wavebox is capable of handling multiple cloud services, email services, social media services, websites in one single hub.
Wavebox on Ubuntu 17.10.1
Wavebox brings all your virtual world together under one roof. Once you set up Wavebox with all your virtual accounts, all it remains is to access them with one click. Wavebox can aid you greatly in work, as you can access your services with fewer clicks instead of opening multiple apps or browser windows. Moreover, it consumes very less ram compared to multiple browser windows. Wavebox is also a secured platform to access your services. Every web app used on Wavebox is in sandbox mode. Wavebox use scoped OAuth2 to link accounts for maximum security.

Wavebox offers extensions like Boomerang, Gmelius, Dropbox, Grammarly, Mixmax, Clearbit, Todoist and it will increase in future. Wavebox also has an amazing feature, it can sleep apps. Once you put an app in sleep mode, it will stop using processing power, but you can still receive notifications of that service as it stays logged-in.
Wavebox on Ubuntu 17.10.1
It is very easy to set up Wavebox. All you have to do is choose your desired service and log in, it will be saved as a web app within Wavebox. You don't need to login repeatedly to access that particular service. You can set various accent colors and folder options for multiple services. You can even add custom websites and web apps to Wavebox.

Wavebox is free to use but you can get some extra features in pro version. Wavebox is available in MacOS, Windows, and Linux. To download Wavebox go to official website.


Friendly app on iOS : Get connected without worrying about phone space

Hi, fellow iPhone users, you have a great device right there in your hand but sometimes it lacks space to do certain things. While it is not a problem on newer devices but people still using iPhone 5 - 6S have this issue. You want to stay connected to social media but some apps like Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram takes too much space due to their huge app size and the cache they produce. Well, how about all these 4 services in one app with negligible app size and much more added features? You heard it right!!
 Friendly helps you to stay connected with all these social websites and its app size is just about 35 MB. Still not getting excited?? Well then, let's see below some of the more features it offers.

Friendly on iOS 11.2.2Friendly on iOS 11.2.2

Friendly lets you use multiple accounts in one single app. More on it you can switch between them very easily. You can use 5 different Facebook accounts (if you have that much). You can have different color accent for multiple accounts.
Friendly on iOS 11.2.2
In Friendly, you get more features like,
  • Night mode to ease your eyes in dark.
  • Ad blocker which removes useless suggestions and annoying ads.
  • Passcode lock, you can set up a various passcode for multiple accounts.
  • Order your Facebook feed by most recent.
  • Download photos and videos directly to your device.
Well, we have few reasons to try out Friendly. So give it a go and see the change it brings. While free version offers many features, pro version enables ad blocker. We will be back with more stuff for iOS. So stay tuned and have fun with your device.


New Year Announcement

Hi there, first of all, wish you all a very happy new year.
Happy New Year 2018
We hope this year will bring lots of new things to your as well as our lives. Well, this year we decided to make some changes to our blog.

More content incoming

Considering the free time this year, post frequency will be much more improved and hopefully will be constant with low ups and downs. We decided to bring more fresh and quality content to you guys. As our main focus is on people who are new to Linux and PC, we will bring more of tutorials which once used to be the main factor of this blog. So rest assured, the reign of tutorials will rise again.

Carry Forward

We have not forgotten our new categories started last year. We are bound to stick with our previous categories 'My Views', 'Quick Tips', and 'Free BSD'. 

Something for iPhone users 

Oh yes!! we got an iPhone to play with now. Thus, we will be bringing some cool stuff for our readers who use iPhone. A new category for iOS will be added and lots of new stuff in the same category is going to make its way in.

For now, this is all we gonna announce. So let's have fun together.

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