
KaOS 2017.01 released as new year's gift

If you thinking of using a Independent Linux distribution but still want some familiarity with one of the popular distributions, then there is a good news for you. KaOS team released a new version named 2017.01 as new year's gift. KaOS is independent but inspired by Arch and uses Pacman as package management. This distribution uses rolling release pattern and it includes all the latest updates to KDE plasma desktop. This version has KDE frameworks  5.29.0, KDE Applications 16.12.0 & not yet released ports of KDE Applications. It also includes Qt 5.7.1.

KaOS 2017.01 includes it's own ISO to USB tool which gives the option to recover USB after using it for ISO. It is a unique feature which is not offered commonly. KaOS. This version runs on Linux kernel 4.8.15.

Base of the system

Most notable major updates to the base of the system are Boost 1.62.0, ICU 58.2, Ruby 2.4.0, Systemd 232, FFMPEG 3.2, Linux 4.8.15, Mesa 13.0.2, Hunspell 1.6.0, Gpgme 1.8.0, Gstreamer 1.10.2 and a move to Openjpeg 2 (2.1.2)
KaOS repositories no longer provide Qt 4. It is a good three years ago that development for Qt 4 stopped, late 2015 all support including security fixes ended. Any application that has not made the transition to Qt 5 in all this time can no longer be supported in KaOS. Either they actually are no longer maintained or their development is ignoring the implications of building on a possible insecure toolkit.
The Linux kernel has all the needed ucode build-in for a fully automated Early Microcode update.
It is possible for both the Live session and installed system to start a Plasma Wayland session right from the login manager. An X11 session is of course still default, but the drop-down menu has a Wayland entry too. With Plasma 5.8.5, the Wayland session is possible on more systems.
KaOS uses the Systemd provided Systemd-boot for UEFI installs.


The used installer framework has moved to the 2.5 series. Highlights of the changes and additions:

  • Improved system requirements configuration checking
  • Fixed a path handling issue which could sometimes occur when reusing an existing EFI system partition
  • Fixed operating system detection for automatic dual boot setup in GRUB
  • Added support for NVME devices to set correct ESP flag with UEFI installs
  • Added Btrfs subvolumes setup for @ and @home in automated install modes (note: manual partitioning still doesn’t support Btrfs subvolumes, as this requires further work in both KPMcore and Calamares)

Known issues:

  • If you do not want to install a bootloader, do not use any of the automated partitioning options, select manual for this. See the bug report for the installer regarding this.
  • If you want to use a GPT partition table on a BIOS system, make sure to set it up following BIOS GPT, the installer’s partitioner can only handle GPT correctly for UEFI
  • Installing on RAID or LVM is currently not possible
  • Hibernate on LUKS enabled swap partitions needs manual intervention, the installer misses some settings to fully support this.
 KaOS does not support Rufus or Unetbootin to create bootable flash drive. You have to use SUSE Studio ImageWriter in Windows to create bootable flash drive of KaOS. To create bootable USB in Linux you probably have to use dd feature. To get more information on how to create bootable USB of KaOS refer to this page.

To Download latest version of KaOS - CLICK HERE.


BlankOn 10.0 Tambora released

Some time ago developers behind BlankOn Linux team released a new version 10.0 codenamed Tambora. BlankOn is based on Debian and originated in Indonesia. This is the tenth release of BlankOn which includes lots of changes and improvements.

BlankOn uses custom desktop environment named Monokwari which is based on Gnome 3 shell. Monokwari now can be used on higher resolution like 4k dsplay. Monokwari uses GTK3 which will be legacy from this version and will be replaced completely by HTML5 in upcoming versions. It received updated search feature, weather widget, right-handed panel, cool new icons, etc. Moreover this release includes new set of icons called Tebu which replaced Komodo icon pack from previous releases.

Gnome 3.20 is used in BlankOn as base for Monokwari. It is been updated to support HiDPI resolution, MutiTouch input, gesture support. Geolocation and network management is also improved to work better. BankOn also includes various applications to make your daily life easier. Try the new BlankOn X Tambora and feel the changes and improvements.

To Download BlankOn X - CLICK HERE


How to install Calculate Linux with screenshots

Hello guys, yesterday we talked about Calculate Linux and as per our experience one can have difficulties while installing it. So we thought, why not give a quick guide on how to install it. For this procedure you will need to do few things first :
  1. Download Calculate Linux iso from official website.
  2. Make a bootable USB or DVD of Calculate Linux iso.
  3. Tweak your bootloader and boot from USB or DVD.
  4. Have faith in yourself, may the force be with you.
Basic steps for any installation process.
After you boot from USB or DVD, you need to start installer of Calculate Linux from live medium. Once installer started, you will meet with basic things i.e. choose your locale, time zone. After you done slelcting it you will be proceed to distribution selection page. From this page you can select different editions of Calculate Linux. By default it will be chosen as per your iso.
Calculate Linux 17
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Calculate Linux explained

Hello guys, welcome to 14th segment of "Introduction with Linux Distro". This segment is typically for people who runs server or like some deep playtime with commands. This distribution is based on Gentoo Linux and is typically made for servers. We recently gave a news about this distro. Calculate Linux will be our guest for this segment. Want to have some deep linux fun? then this distro is good for you.
In June 2007 Calculate Linux made it's debut in Linux world. From last 10 years it is constantly supporting the community and industries using it. Latest version i.e. Calculate Linux 17 was released few days ago with lots of improvements and fixes. Let's get to know about this distribution.
    • The Flavors : Calculate Linux is available in four flavors. Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD), Calculate Directory Server (CDS), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) and Calculate Media Center (CMC). One can choose any flavor according to their needs but ultimately you can also use it all. For this segment we are using CLD flavor.
    • Look and Feel : Calculate Linux Desktop comes in different editions i.e. KDE, Xfce, MATE. You can choose any desktop environment. All environment are nicely integrated in this distro. We are using KDE edition and it is as beautiful as it should be.
      Calculate Linux 17
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    • You can also change themes to make it look according to your needs. There is online collection of various themes to choose from and make customization even more interesting. You can change icons, windows, splash screen. etc individually too.
      Calculate Linux 17
      There is also a nice and beautiful dock at the bottom (It is nicely hidden though, we also didn't notice it first :P). You can easily configure your applications and shortcuts on this dock for quick access.
      Calculate Linux 17
      Even the lock screen and splash screen are beautifully made. One will simply mesmerize in the beauty of Calculate Linux.
      Calculate Linux 17
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    • Features and Community : Calculate Linux has several unique features like rolling release of binaries, easier updates using portage, different desktop environment according to your hardware specs. It also provides utilities to make installation easier. its domain Server supports Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 clients. Calculate Linux also gives 27/7 IRC support to it's users. The community is helpful enough to solve your problems and teach you in case. You can find lots of tutorials and articles to help you learn this distro in the forums. 
    •  Packages and Daily Needs : It includes lots of packages out of box which is useful in day to day life. You don't need to run a server to use Calculate Linux. You can use it as an alternative to your Windows system or any other Linux system. If you need to use it for multimedia and graphics then you can. It includes various multimedia and graphics applications like GIMP, Clementine, SMplayer, KMix, K3b, etc. In case you want to use it for office use then you have complete Libreoffice preinstalled in it. If you want to use it for internet related things then you have Firefox, KToreent, KMail, IM client, etc. Moreover you can install extra packages according to your need like in any other operating system.
      Calculate Linux 17
    • Social Media Connectivity : Calculate Linux also gives you inbuilt option to connect to various Social networking and messaging services via it's IM client. You can access many popular messaging services like Skype, AIM, Telegram, Yahoo messenger, Google messenger, etc using this. It gives quick access to all the services at one place.
      Calculate Linux 17
    • Stability : We have been using Calculate Linux from few days and what we learned is this distro is seriously stable. It uses Linux kernel 4.4.39 and it is very stable. It also uses Plasma 5.8.5 and KDE framework 5.29.0. We simply loved the stability and performance it offered. It is smooth and very responsive and can be used in older system in Xfce and MATE editions.
      Calculate Linux 17
    So overall, Calculate Linux can be an ideal distribution for you to use. It is made for servers but it also gives similar priority to normal users. Try it in VM first and if you like, make it permanent. This distribution can be start of your deep Linux playtime. We will be back with another interesting distribution in next segment so stay tuned with us and as always, have fun with Linux.

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