Hello buddies,
Finally we are back, well this time we are here for fun loving people. When we say fun loving, we especially counted the gamers. Yeah Yeah, we know gaming is not always a fun factor, for some people (like mean) it's a tug of war :P Anyways i hope you guys are enjoying our little site so we gonna make it more enjoyable for you.
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So let's get back to the topic. Today we gonna introduce you to a lightweight open-source game named M.A.R.S. - A Ridiculous Shooter. now you must be thinking what's so special in this game?? So the answer is, it's not about something special, it's about the fun while playing (Joker effect from Batman movie :P)
Well it's a single player as well as multiplayer game. Two players can play on same machine. There's also an option of network game but it's not yet implemented in the game.
M.A.R.S. main screen
So here we come on home screen of the game. So what's this game actually is about? Well it's some little little spaceships battling with each other. There is option for multiplayer, both players can play as a team or against each other.
Another good thing about this game is customizable spaceships and controls. Controls are not much of pain as it needs only five buttons to play this game.
In gameplay tab you can customize the game speed, slow motion, bot orientations, etc, etc. The slow motions of this game is kinda amazing :P after that you can adjust audio according to your need. Let me warn you this game consist of some amazing heavy metal songs sung by Hungarian band
Obsidion Shell. So be ready to get some amazing music experience while playing this beautiful looking game. You can adjust graphics according to your needs etc. etc.
Now let's get towards the game modes. There are total five game modes namely, Spaceball, Deathmatch, Team deathmatch, canonkeep and Grave-itation pit. all the five game modes are totally amazing especially when you swicth to highest difficulty. The information about every game mode is provided properly when you choose the game modes.
game mode - spaceball |
game mode - deathmatch |
game mode - Team deathmatch |
game mode - cannonkeep |
game mode - grave-itation pit |
Well not only the game modes there is a list of weapons and special powers too. You can choose any one of them or simply select them all as you can switch weapons and special powers during game.
Weapons and special powers choices |
And finally here starts the game. The colors and graphics are amazing. The gameplay hugely depends on laws of physics. Controls are kinda simple to master but still can be very hard to handle. Once you mastered the controls then you will probably start to feel the fun around this game.And yeah don't forget the music :P
Well we hope you guys will enjoy playing this lightweight game only around 75mb in size. This game is available for Windows, Linux, MacOSX. you can also visit their
official webpage for downloads and other information about the game. So here we conclude todays topic, feel free to comment below if you got any problems or query. We will be back with some more interesting stuff from the open-source world so stay tuned with us. Till then, ciao.