
Vinux 5.1 released

Vinux is distribution which mainly focus on blind and partially sighted people. Vinux is based on Ubuntu. Latest version of Vinux is 5.1 and it is based on Ubuntu 14.05.5 which is Long Term Support. Vinux uses Unity, Gnome or MATE as desktop environment. New release includes lots of updated packages and other fixes.

According to official announcement, Liblouis 2.6.2, Brltty 5.4, Speech-dispatcher 0.8.5, Gnome-ORca 3.20 with updates available for 3.22, AT-SPI 2.20 with updates available for 2.22 are available in repositories.

Firefox 48 with updates available to 5.0.1, Thunderbird 45.2 with updates available to 45.5, Unity 7.2.4, Gnome-shell 3.10.4, Mate 1.8, LibreOffice 4.2.8, Espeak 1.48, Evince 3.12.2, Clam av 0.98.7 with updates available to 0.99 these updates are also available. Linux kernel 4.40 from Xenial is used in this release.

Vinux 5.1 is available for both newer and older hardware. With MATE desktop environment you can easily use it on older systems. Vinux provides high contrast display and braille display support. So if you have any partially sighted or blind person known encourage them to use Vinux.

To Download latest version of Vinux - CLICK HERE


AntiX 16.1 is available for public

AntiX is Debian based Linux distribution. It uses lightweight desktop environments like Fluxbox, Icewm, Xfce, etc. This distribution is originated in Greece and is typically ideal for old systems. Few hours ago AntiX team released new version named AntiX 16.1. It is based on Debian Jessie.

According to official announcement,
Bug fix version including all updates from Debian Jessie and scurity patched kernels.
Existing users of antiX-16 do not need to download and install. Simply update via the repositories.
So what is new.
Not a lot! BUT we have included 2 excellent new applications: live-kernel-updater and live-usb-maker.
Debian 8.7 (jessie), but systemd-free! And it fits on a cd! Great LiveUSB features!
As usual antiX comes in 3 flavours for both 32 and 64 bit processors.
antiX-full (c695MB) -4 windows managers - IceWM(default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm
antiX-base (c510MB) -3 windows managers - fluxbox(default), jwm and herbstluftwm
antiX-core-libre (c190MB) - no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build. Uses a libre kernel.
  • Customised 4.4.10 LTS kernel with fbcondecor splash
antiX has been designed to be fast, light on resources and flexible.
Install it to hard drive, run it live from a stick or run as a frugal install on a partition

To Download Latest version of AntiX - Click Here.



Importance of Linux as daily driver

Hi guys, its been quite a time we haven't talked about some random things related to Linux world. We have been constantly giving news and reviews on different distributions and applications. So today we will just sit back, relax and talk about how Linux can be our best friend and be useful to us in our day to day life.

  • Dont Want to leave Windows? 

    We know you love your Windows system so much, we also love ours. We never encourage anyone to leave their existing operating system and getting out of your comfort zone. There is a thing called virtualbox, where you can use different operating system without disturbing your existing system. You can always try Linux in VM and if you feel it comfortable, then you can just make it your primary OS or you can also make it secondary OS via dual boot. 
  • What is Linux useful for? 

    So what you can do with Linux? Pretty much everything you do with Windows. Now don't say 'can we play Overwatch in Linux?', that would be difficult for now. You can do all the important and non-important daily tasks with Linux. You can listen music , browse internet, fetch your mails, play games, perform more high level tasks, etc. 
  • What About Security?

    Don't worry, Linux is way more secure than you think it is. Unlike Windows, Linux provide much more secure and virus free environment to work on. Due to less users of Linux, may be virus creator don't think it is useful to create virus for Linux or they just can't. Apart from viruses, Linux takes security very seriously.
  • The Misconception.

    Many people think, a Linux user is like a god level hacker or a big geek. But seriously this is not true always. One of our team member uses Linux just to do daily stuff while other one is geek :P Linux is very user friendly nowadays, it offers most of the stuff need for daily things prebuilt in system. Many times a user don't even need to install external applications for their need. 
  • Is it even beautiful?

    Linux is beautiful. Don't think there is only letters and numbers. Linux distributions are much more developed now. They can offer you the beauty you always wished for. Distributions like Elementary OS, Linux Deepin, Manjaro Linux, Solus, etc can make you mesmerize in the beauty they offer. There is also an option of customization and different desktop environment to choose from.
  • I am the Office guy!

    Oh, you are a office guy and need to do all your office work on PC. Don't worry, Linux got you all covered. There are different choices of office suites to choose from. You can use most famous Libreoffice, Openoffice, King officesuite, etc to do all your office work. These suites also have Microsoft office compatibility so you can resume your work in office or in home. 
  • Now i am a Studio freak!

    You are interested in Multimedia stuff? Sure go on, you have lots of multimedia applications to use. There are many music and media players, There are various editors and pro level studio tools available like Gimp, Lightworks, Darktable, Inkscape, etc. All this stuff is free of cost. 
Now just don't keep reading this post, try Linux. There are many distributions that offers newbie friendly environment for those who are much familiar to Windows. First of all try it in VM so you don't have to worry about your existing system. After that just dual boot or replace or do whatever you want with the system. There are plenty of  'how to install' tutorials on this site to take reference from. There is a festival going on in our city so we are going to participate while you guys can have fun with Linux.


AryaLinux 2017 is now available for public

AryaLinux is an Indian Linux distribution which is made using Linux From Scratch guide. This distribution uses alps as package management. Few hours ago Arya team released AryaLinux 2017 in Xfce and MATE editions. There are various changes made in this release and lots of new updates are included too.

According to official announcement, AryaLinux will be released in 64-bit only from now on. So guys if you want to test this distro then you better have newer hardware. Linux kernel is updated to 4.9. Mate is now updated to 1.17. LibroOffice is updates to 5.2.3. Simple screen recorder is returned with Qt5. Parole and Exaile are made default media and audio player respectively.

Moreover, AryaLinux also provide build scripts to create your own ISO from the source code. Build scripts can now build whole KDE and Gnome desktop environment from source code. There is also a separate builder disk released for custom build purpose. The builder script makes the process of build straight forward, only one script needs to be run and the whole system would be built without any hassle. Build scripts can create ISO files and make stage-wise backups when needed and specified. Configuring the kernel can be done while building.

The package management, alps brought new features in this release. It can now build packages from source tarball or source URL. Alps now make sure that you are installing latest packages by using updatescript. Complete list of available packages and installed package can now be seen using new command in alps. All the package updates can now be done via alps.

These are some of the changes that were highlighted. But you can find lots of other features and changes when you try out this distribution.

To download AryaLinux - CLICK HERE.

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